Acting Captain Pat Caskanette has 30 years experience within the Fire Service.. He has competed both internationally representing Canada and regionally for a decade at various TERC sanctioned learning symposiums. For over 20 years has assisted his career Fire Service Training Division with the delivery of auto extrication techniques to its membership. Has taught NFPA 1670 Auto Extrication Awareness and Operations course for over 12 years as an instructor at Pre- Service Firefighter Education and Training Program. In addition is an employee with a leading auto extrication company. His role is to demonstrate the capabilities and proper use of industry leading auto extrication tools.
Acting Captain Shawn Cooligan has over 23 years’ experience in the fire service. Shawn has taught NFPA 1670 Auto Extrication Awareness and Operations course for over 13 years. He is currently working as an instructor in the Pre –Service Firefighter Education and Training Program.